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Welcome to Nordic Fertility Society

A federation of the national fertility societies in the Nordic countries.
Together we are stronger.

5. April 2018 Videos from education course 2017

NFS is doing its best to help the members prepare for the ESHRE certification exams. The ambitious aim is to cover the curriculums for both nurses/midwives as well as embryology during the annual Education courses. The first of three parts consists of several important topics and is

8. December 2017 ESHRE Certification Course 2018

Dear members. The deadline for applying to the ESHRE exam is fast approaching. Deadline 15th December. Secure your spot here .  

25. October 2017 ABC Course in Malmö

Please find the program and registration information on this website: http://ssrm.se/aktiviteter/abc-%20kursen.html

31. August 2017 Education course for nurses and embryologists

Important message: The latest date for registration for the NFS Education Course in Helsinki is 20th of October Register by email to: janicke@klinikkhausken.no See the program and hotel information

18. May 2017 NFS 2017 Congress – 2nd. announcement

Venue: Hotel Nyborg Strand, Østerøvej 2, 5800 Nyborg, Denmark Dates: 2-5 August 2017 Registration starts on 2nd August and is open from 14:00-18:00. We all meet after registration ends for a cosy get-together outside in the garden with music and tapas. Full price (covers registration fee, accommodation

2. February 2017 NFS 2017 Congress

Registration is now open! The Congress will be held in Nyborg, Denmark 2. - 5. August 2017 Please register here: www.conferencemanager.dk/NFS-2017 For more information, prices and abstract submission, visit the conference page.

12. October 2016 October newsletter from Jon

Dear NFS friends One year has passed since the NFS Congress was held in Reykjavik Iceland. Reykjavik was amazing, a good scientific program and the best weather ever :-) As President it is important to meet members. I have attended the DFS annual meeting 12-13 March 2016

12. October 2016 The Annual NFS Education Course

10 - 11 November 2016, at Ferring, Ørestad, Kay Fiskers Plads 11, Copenhagen, Denmark The topics will cover ESHRE’s certification program for embryologists, nurses and midwives. The course will be held in English and is open and free for all NFS members. It is not obligatory to sign