Education Course News
Preparing for ESHRE certification
The board of the Nordic Fertility Society (NFS) decided some three years ago that helping our members prepare for the EHSRE certification examination would be of high value. We introduced two-day courses for those thinking of attending the ESHRE exam (once in Copenhagen and once in Oslo). However, it was very clear that the rather demanding and broad curriculum of both the embryology and the nurses and midwives examination could not be covered in sufficient detail in such a very short time. In order to allow for proper in-depth lectures that would cover the entire curriculum of these two tracts, the required topics, found on the below links were split into subsets of lectures with the idea that the entire curriculum could be done within three years.
The NFS Education Course started in Helsinki in November 2017 and continued in Copenhagen a year later in November 2018. Now at the recent NFS board meeting the program for the third and completing Education Course was agreed on. The program is now available to all members on the home page.
NFS has prioritized these courses at no cost. Travel and accommodation need to be covered by the attendees, or hopefully by their employer. Despite the growing interest, it is clear that it is most likely not always possible to attend all of the three courses. Therefore, NFS has recorded all of the presentation and they are available on the home page. The last course will also be videoed and will be available in due time. All of the lectures can be viewed as many times as you like. So all members please take advantage of this opportunity.
Taking the ESHRE certification exam is by no means a requirement for attending the NFS Education Course. It should also be stressed once more, that these courses are not intended only for embryologists, nurses and midwives. The lectures of all speakers have repeatedly been evaluated to be of high quality and attending these lectures would be signifcantly beneficial particularly for the younger, less experienced infertility doctors in training (or checking them out in video form on the home page).
So stay tuned, follow the NFS home page updates and the Facebook pages for further information on how to register to the next Education Course in Stockholm on November 7-8, 2019.
All feedback on the course is also more than welcome!
On behalf of the NFS Board,
Antti Perheentupa
Education Course Director