2024 – February 21st

2024 – February 21st

Minutes: Board Meeting Nordic Fertility Society

Date:February 21st 2024
Invited:Stina Järvholm (President), Astrid Helene Sydtveit (N), Steinunn Thorsteinsdottir (IC), Sirpa Mäkinen (FI), Niels Fuglede (S), Hans Ivar Hanevik (N), Kirsten Louise Tryde Macklon (DK), Antti Perheentupa (FI) Janni Vikkelsø Jeppesen (DFS), Hanna Savolainen-Peltonen (SFY), Åsmund Mjøen-Vigeland (present NOFAB), Mats Brännström (SSRM)
Not present:Steinunn Thorsteinsdottir (IC), Janni Vikkelsø Jeppesen (DFS), Hanna
Savolainen-Peltonen (SFY), Åsmund Mjøen-Vigeland (present NOFAB),
Mats Brännström (SSRM)
  1. Secretary of today’s meeting is Stina

  2. Last minutes. Nothing to add to previous protocol.

  3. Next NFS meeting in Norway; budget and program (Hans Ivar)

    The homepage for the congress is now open. It is important that we share the congress information in every possible way.
    The program is almost in its final version. We discuss how to place the Scottish session in the best possible setting and we agreed to keep the scots together and also to give them a plenary session.
    The program has some slots (maximum 3) for sponsor lectures. This will be paid for separately. We discussed the place of those sessions and that this time is a first try. If we stay with this possibility in the future these lectures will probably be linked to the gold-silver package.
    The congress 2024 has today a negative budget with about approximately 300’ NOK minus. We have agreed on this deficit due to the finical circumstances this year.

  4. Financial matters (Astrid)
    We have finally got a credit card f or the society. Great work Astrid!

  5. Matters arising
    There is no person from the Swedish society taking care of the NFS FB questions. We agreed to discuss this question, among others, on our up-coming board meeting.

  6. Next meeting on-site, 11-12 April/24
    The meeting will start on Thursday at 17:30 at Grand Hotel Oslo. The evening meeting will last 17:30-19:30 and will be a hybrid meeting for those of you that will not have the possibility to join on-site. During this evening meeting we will mainly focus on the upcoming congress. At 20 we have a reservation for dinner at Grand. Then we will have a board meeting Friday 9-13 (not hybrid) and there discuss other matters including a visit to the venue.