2024 – August 15th

Nordic Fertility Society

2024 – August 15th

Minutes: Board Meeting Nordic Fertility Society

Date:15 th of August 9-12 am
Location:Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel Oslo, Norway
Invited:Stina Järvholm (President), Astrid Helene Sydtveit (N), Steinunn Thorsteinsdottir (IC), Sirpa Mäkinen (FI), Niels Fuglede (S), Hans Ivar Hanevik (N), Kirsten Louise Tryde Macklon (DK), Antti Perheentupa (FI) Janni Vikkelsø Jeppesen (DFS), Hanna Savolainen-Peltonen (SFY), Åsmund Mjøen-Vigeland (NOFAB), Mats Brännström (SSRM), Snorri Einarsson (IC)
Not Present:Janni Vikkelsø Jeppesen (DFS), Åsmund Mjøen-Vigeland (NOFAB), Mats Brännström (SSRM), Snorri Einarsson (IC)

1 Chair and secretary of today’s meeting 


2 Last minutes

Nothing was changed or added to the previous protocol.

3 Congress Oslo (Hans Ivar)

We discussed some last minutes changes and whom in the board who should preform different tasks during the congress. Overall, everything seems to be in place for the meeting. 

Regarding the financial situation the congress, as expected, will end with a minus approximately about 300 000 NOK. We agreed that “spending money” activities should take place after congresses with a surplus and therefore we decided to put the ideas about exchange program on hold for a while.

4 GA Oslo (Stina, Astrid)

Everything are in place for the GA and Åsmund will chair the session and Steinunn will be secretary.

5 Collaboration with NILS (Stina)

It does not seem like there are an interest in merging the NILS meeting with the NFS. We agreed to invite the board for NILS to the NFS board for a digital meeting later this fall discussing how we ca collaborate best in the future.

6 Exchange program (Niels, Steinunn)

We decided to put this on hold and instead focus on an education course. Suggested topics are andrology or how to make it as a scientist. We also discussed the possibilities to again arrange webinairs.  We also discussed or further collaboration with the Baltic countries and/or the New England society.

7 Next congress, Iceland (Snorri, Steinunn)

The local committee are forming their group and we will get back to this question in upcoming board meetings.

8 Guidelines for upcoming NFS congress (All)

We need to address these questions at next meeting; Timepoint, Responsibility local committee (size?) vs board, Budget among others.

9 Next board meeting 

We agreed on an on-site meeting later this fall (Stina will plan for this) for outline the two years of working together in the board. Questions to address are as least:

  • We need to discuss the aim for the board and how we best should carry out this assignment. 
  • We also need to discuss the difficult situation with the Danish Bank and how we can work towards a permanent Danish treasure.
  • Different activities for the members.
  • Up-coming congress.

10 Matters arising

We are not satisfied with the support for the website and Steinunn will investigate if we can sign with another support. At meeting today, it is unsure if Steinunn will stay in the board and if leaving we will need that someone else will be in charge of the homepage.

We grateful for all work the Antti, Kirsten, Sirpa and Janni have done for the NFS and as they now leave us and we welcome new members to the board; Snorri (IC), Betina (DK) and Siri (FI). It is troublesome that we lack one representative from Denmark, but Kirsten will be the link for now.